

not available is a business focused social networking service for free ads and free booking all is a worldwide online classified ads network with areas dedicated to services, jobs, for rent, for sale, event , real estate, dating ,pets and other. The platform operates in 190+ countries and more 1 800 000 cities.
Users of the site must register and create a personal online profile before using the site for services. Every services is associated with a vendor whose profile includes recommendations/ reviews / by previous users, as well as a response rating and private messaging system.
Clients are required to message the user directly through to ask questions regarding the oferts.Vendors have 100% control over who books their services. When a potential clients puts in a reservation request, the vendor has to accept or decline the request.
After the user accepts a reservation, they can coordinate meeting times and contact information. After the reservation is complete, users are encouraged to leave a review. Reviews help build validity and references both for the clients and the vendors.